Lemon’a’cron – The new danger virus!
Lemon’a’Cron – A new Danger virus! Warning. There were Lemons harmed in this video… I was just as shocked as anyone could be and had to burn down all my Lemon trees.Continue Reading
Lemon’a’Cron – A new Danger virus! Warning. There were Lemons harmed in this video… I was just as shocked as anyone could be and had to burn down all my Lemon trees.Continue Reading
9th of April – Moderna recalls thousands of Vaccine Doses. Funny, I never hear about this on main stream media. 7 news every has a story about it on the 9th of April, yet it never hit MSM… Funny that. https://7news.com.au/news/public-health/moderna-recalls-thousands-of-vaccine-doses-c-6387231Continue Reading
TGA, Adverse Reactions, Death, Pharma Crimes and Dr. Fake Doctor “John Skerritt”Continue Reading
28-12-21 – The amount of jabs ordered in Australia Screen shot taken on the morning of the 28th of December 2021 This show the amount of Jabs the Australian Government has ordered from the manufactures compared to the population of Australia. Doses Ordered and secured – 204,800,000 Million Population ofContinue Reading
People jabbed v Adverse Reaction 24-12-2021 UPDATE Adverse Reactions Update Data taken from the Federal Health website crossed referenced to the data from the TGA shows more alarming stats. 19,398,219 people have had 1 injection ÷ 94,047 Adverse Reactions reported shows that; 1 in every 206.26 People WILL GET ANContinue Reading
Elder Dies in Howard Springs Quarantine Facility Darwin Video posted on Youtube from Lurnpa Lurnpa on December 18th 2021 YouTube Video Link Note, This video is not an easy watch and some people may find this distressing. Viewer digression is advised. Reported in the video above, the daughter of theContinue Reading
Sydney biotech firm develops highly-effective COVID vaccine Reported on Wednesday the 13th of October 2021 on msm A Sydney based firm develops highly effective COVID vaccine very different to those curranty on offer. MSM puppet host explains Engeneic uses Nanocellular technology to stimulate a strong antibody response. Not only hasContinue Reading
Senator Malcolm Roberts – Senate Community Affairs – Questions the TGA Senator Malcolm Roberts questions the TGA on the current vaccines Reference points in this article (Q) = Question, (A) = Answer, (R) = Response Senator Malcolm Roberts – One Nation Professor Paul Kelly – (Chief Medical Officer) John SkerritContinue Reading
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