Lemon’a’cron – The new danger virus!
Lemon’a’Cron – A new Danger virus! Warning. There were Lemons harmed in this video… I was just as shocked as anyone could be and had to burn down all my Lemon trees.Continue Reading
Lemon’a’Cron – A new Danger virus! Warning. There were Lemons harmed in this video… I was just as shocked as anyone could be and had to burn down all my Lemon trees.Continue Reading
9th of April – Moderna recalls thousands of Vaccine Doses. Funny, I never hear about this on main stream media. 7 news every has a story about it on the 9th of April, yet it never hit MSM… Funny that. https://7news.com.au/news/public-health/moderna-recalls-thousands-of-vaccine-doses-c-6387231Continue Reading
TGA, Adverse Reactions, Death, Pharma Crimes and Dr. Fake Doctor “John Skerritt”Continue Reading
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