Lemon’a’cron – The new danger virus!
Lemon’a’Cron – A new Danger virus! Warning. There were Lemons harmed in this video… I was just as shocked as anyone could be and had to burn down all my Lemon trees.Continue Reading
Lemon’a’Cron – A new Danger virus! Warning. There were Lemons harmed in this video… I was just as shocked as anyone could be and had to burn down all my Lemon trees.Continue Reading
9th of April – Moderna recalls thousands of Vaccine Doses. Funny, I never hear about this on main stream media. 7 news every has a story about it on the 9th of April, yet it never hit MSM… Funny that. https://7news.com.au/news/public-health/moderna-recalls-thousands-of-vaccine-doses-c-6387231Continue Reading
TGA, Adverse Reactions, Death, Pharma Crimes and Dr. Fake Doctor “John Skerritt”Continue Reading
Victoria’s Rain-Making Control ACT 1967. Bought to our attention a few days ago by a friend of Knights of the Cradle (Sue)… If you still think that the governments around the world don’t control the weather, think again. this act was created in 1967, imagine what technology they have todayContinue Reading
The PCR Test Exposed for what is really is. Do you wonder why the Australian Government is now quickly moving away from the PCR test to the Rapid Antigen Tests? Ohhh the long ques? We have had them for over a year with people lining up to test to seeContinue Reading
Senator Malcolm Roberts – Senate Community Affairs – Questions the TGA Senator Malcolm Roberts questions the TGA on the current vaccines Reference points in this article (Q) = Question, (A) = Answer, (R) = Response Senator Malcolm Roberts – One Nation Professor Paul Kelly – (Chief Medical Officer) John SkerritContinue Reading
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