Old Parliament House Set On Fire by what looks to be the protestors themselves.
A sad day in Australia’s history, with the old Parliament house set on fire by what “looked to be protestors.”
It was reported on Thursday the 30th of December 2021 (The day of the incident) by many people online that during a peaceful smoke ceremony, police intervened and used capsaicin spray which then set the front of the Old Parliament House on fire. But videos emerged the following day showing a fire was lit and stocked on the main door of Parliament house by the protestors themselves.
There was also a very strange situation when police tried to intervein, they were pushed away by protestors and backed into a room just to the left of the front of the building.
More reports are starting to circulate that there was in fact undercover police within the protestors who encouraged the fire. This is yet to be confirmed and I’m sure more details will come to light in the coming days.
Investigations are ongoing into the incident… Above are some of the videos I was able to find online. There are many parts of this that just don’t sit right at all.
We are all about support our First Nations People, but this incident has put a damper on their cause. We don’t condone any type of violence or property damage.
I hope we are able to get to the bottom of all this so it does not damage the cause moving forward.
God Bless everyone involved who was there for the right reasons.